Lifestory - the beginning....the future!

About 2 years ago, In 2012 my husband and I were talking about starting our own busniess. I came up with the idea of starting a crab farm (cultivation). He thought that it was a great idea, but he also said, Sheraida also think about starting somthing with shrimps. I said, let's begin with the crab business and later we could think about the shrimp thing.

I sugested doing, the Wolhand crab, as we did not get positive response from our government we then dicided to go into the shrimp business. He started out building a basin to hold about 5000 kg. of shrimps per month.

He also installed the whole filtration system. After that he decided to help a friend, by bringing a yacht out of the United States to the island of Curaçao. He sadly never returned (accidented) and in memory of him, I have decided to continue with the planned business and named it after him: Rudsel Alexander Comenencia shrimp farm, RAC Shrimp Farm !


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